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Join Montclair Make Music Day for a night of music, fundraising, and more to kick off Make Music Day organizing! Performers include First Mountain, PALMAROSA, Malcolm Marsden + open mic. Stop by and meet Make Music Day organizers and members of Indie Arts Montclair! Montclair Vegan's kitchen will be open, so will Wonder Waffle and the other restaurants. This event is free but PLEASE support these awesome businesses by buying some of the great food being served!


Indie Arts Montclair Skillshare - Spring 2018 is a NJ Makers Day participating organization!

Indie Arts Montclair Skillshare - Spring 2018 - A NJ Makers Day participating organization.

Wednesday, March 7th through Saturday, March 10th.

Four days to teach, learn, and build community.

All over Montclair folks will share their skills at open, public events. These hands-on learning experiences cover many varied topics. Share your enthusiasm and your knowledge!

Propose a skillshare! We want to learn from you!

Indie Arts Montclair has been added to the Arts Volunteer Fair at Cinema505

Sunday, February 4th, from 10am-12pm, organized by Montclair Film.

Members of the public are invited to attend the Fair and meet representatives of area non-profit arts organizations who are seeking volunteers. The Arts Volunteer Fair is open to the public and is free for participants and organizations.

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